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Benel's Instruction Room

Benel’s demonstration room is suitable and fully equipped for workshops, product demonstrations or staff training. Benel offers use of their equipment and products during such workshops, product demonstrations and staff training sessions.

Reservation possibilities:



The Demonstration Room:

The demonstration room is fully equipped with:

Using Benel's Equipment and Products:

Benel offers each trainee/participant the opportunity to use the products stocked in the warehouse. It is expect that each trainee/participant handle such equipment/products responsibly and with care.

Extra Information:

Applications for the demonstration room must always be discussed with the person applying to make use of the room. Benel recognizes the varied uses of the room therefore, each workshop, product demonstration and staff-training proposal is discussed with a staff member at Benel, allowing them to understand and provide the right services for the intended use of the room. It is expected that each person using/within the room adheres to the house rules of Benel.